Monday, 10 May 2010

...The Story Continues! Part 1

She bought 2 drinks and sat at the bar...

"You should come sit down with me, instead of hiding back there," the sound of her voice floated back to me. It sounded so kind and calm, I was shocked, I didn't think she had seen me, when she walked in. Slowly, I moved forward out of the shadow from where I was watching. I had many questions. None more important than what she had come to give me and why it was so important I have it? Why I needed it? Why I have i dreamt of it making it so precious to me?
Before I had chance to ask any question she spoke again.
"Please, come sit beside me, we have a lot to talk about. And yes! I do have it with me". With those words, my body moved towards the bar of its own accord, I was powerless to do otherwise...

Part 2 will follow shortly...

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